Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hey, deja vu...

Really missed talking at you...

Been a while...I have missed you my friends! I think I had a bit of a mental vacation. I was reading, as you all know, about Autism. In my search for information, I realized that it is entirely possible...likely...that I am raising 11 Autistic children. I am exhausted, as if somehow giving what we are living through a name makes it somehow harder. It's not. It's always been hard. But now I am convinced that regardless of the fall out, I need to have a professional step in and help with actual diagnosis, referrals for school, and other assorted minutia in the life or any family that has 11 kids with challenges. We started the summer with good intentions. I was going to home school them lightly, focusing on organizational skills which are needed across the board. Follow it up with test and note taking skills, which would be necessary where ever they are schooled. Finally, I would dip into some literature about the civil war and a Note booking study on the same. I hoped to follow this up with a trip to some Civil War sites in PA when we took our annual holiday to see Grandma. However, by one hour into day one, we quit. My children basically said that they were never going to home school and why do we have to be so different from everybody else. And can we all get iPhones...I figured it was going to be a long hot summer, but I had no idea...I was stressed. I think I lost my words. That made me very sad. How about those kids who don't have their words in the first place. I felt so helpless.


To the end of subsidizing a robust treatment plan and being stricter with our whole food regime and babysitters, sigh, I decided to look for a job :o) Yes, being the mother of 11 children is a Full-Time Job, but I am an old mommy with a chronic disease. I have already spent more than 16 years of my life being a SAHM and now I want to go out!!! Even if it's just to a job. I tried having a position where I could beef up my writing and hope that went somewhere, however, my first two foray's were somewhat unsuccessful...I think I need better equipment!! A little more software. In order to that, I need a job. I know my husband would probably do this and he is entirely supportive, however, feeling a little my 6 year old when she get stubborn...My want to do it by myself!! In my research for the articles for Autism, what struck out at me is, wait for it...there is really a shortage of qualified teachers in the United States! OK, in North Texas anyway, and I am not moving back to Scranton!! Investigating grad school and entertaining enrollment counselors was fun, but I also found out that TX (and a few other states) has programs to help individuals with bachelors' degrees segue into teaching. Awesome! In a few days, I was signed up and getting started. I have to admit I had a bad moment when I sent an email to Penn State asking to have my transcript forwarded to iTeachtexas. I asked the enrollment counselor what grades were required assuring her that while my bachelor's grades were probably not stellar (I had a great time in college, and that's about all), I had at least 12 masters' credits that were all A's. She actually hung up on me when I said that about having a great time in college. Probably thought I was a crank. Anyway, because of said grades, I am only really qualified to teach Special Ed. Shawn thinks that is wonderful. I have to wonder how that would be any different than summer with my kids, but so be it...It may all be moot anyway. I mean, how can I teach? I have 11 children! I immediately change the look of my blog, utilizing a picture. I wanted to add the tag line of the actual photo amended just a bit..."You don't scare me. I have 11 children." I deleted it in the end. I really don't want anyone to think I am making light of our situation, but there you have it. My life in a nut shell. We canceled the trip to see grandma. I went with three of the girls. I decided then that I really, really need to move on to my plan. Have you ever had a child put ice cubes down your shirt while you are driving 70 mph on a crowded highway. Welcome to my life...
before the road trip, Relaxin' in the car!

And finally, the more things change...

I missed my blog, and I missed you...hey I have seven subscribers now. I am planning on going back to its original intent...talking about God, and Mass, and annoying people with my firmly Catholic viewpoint. Did you miss me....digressions and all! In support of that goal I am starting two other blogs so this can stay firmly about Catholicism, my 11 crazy kids, and eating nutritionally dense food. I'm baaaack...


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