Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sushi anyone...

DH and I had a rare moment out tonight...the kids were being really good, so we slipped out to mass alone and then decided to go to dinner. I let him choose since he works so hard and groaned inwardly when he chose *predictably* Cowtown Sushi. I don't like sushi. To be fair, the only time I tried it was when DH fixed it himself (rule number one, don't eat homemade sushi unless you already love it!!) Well, I LOVED it!! I am a convert. I had to laugh though because fully half of the tables were teenagers. I am going to have to convert my kids or they will be social pariahs..
I am posting photos of my contribution to the valentine swap at bellaholics anonymous...hope you like. I am thinking of doing a workshop with a couple of cards. Do you think these are too plain for a workshop?
thanks for looking and have a great weekend!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

A card and a winner!!

My DD and I made this card for her friends bday this weekend...I just love Bellas...check out her hair (yes, her friend really does have dyed black ends...sorry its so hard to see--Mariah took the photo in the car while driving to the party--oh, like you don't procrastinate...
But enough of that...I made you ladies wait long enough. I promise to do more candy soon...this was fun. I wish I could send it to all of you (mwah!!) but the winner is number 24 (used said...

tyrymom29 said...
A Campingbella and 4wheelingbella and fella would be awsome !!! I love the idea to have Milatary bella fella !!!! I Love the stampin bellas They are way too cute!!!!!


Timestamp: 2008-01-22 00:47:16 UTC

Please send me your mailing address and I will mail this right out!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

We're gonna have us a hog-killin' time today :o) (BLOG CANDY!!)

Now I don't want to kick up a row...I like hogs as much as the next guy...but I just found the cutest site on western-speak. Since I didn't have a chance to pick up my copy of "learn to speak southern in 3 days or less" I figured this is a great chance to practice. I want to fit in here in Keller, LOL. I found this site at Sunflower Studio where she has western stamp blog candy--so head over and see the elephant ;o)

Now I am adding my own blog candy--yee haw! I have a savaayshoppabella, three copic markers including EOO skin white, and one of those elusive clear topped nugget tins (I probably started the whole shortage...I wanted them for a workshop :o( To win you must post your favorite new bella name (maybe Em will check). I emailed a while back I wanted Sleighbella, hellsabella, and a few bella-fontes but so far I got nuthin'!! So post with your most wanted new bella and I will draw a random name on Monday 1/21.

My cards are for challenges at one of my yahoo groups and Lifetime Moments. The altered tissue box is creative imaginations and is for my Frosty Pal that I love even though she is tormenting me and I will never be able to look at a Peep again, sigh...maybe one day I will post the You Tube...

Speaking of You Tubes, Gina K had this one on her site today and I LOVED it...had to share too, in case any of you didn't see it...I hope you all had a heap of fun but I gotta shin on outta here before I cause any more shindy!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Has anyone noticed...

days are going by really you think the earth has eroded and it is making the rotations go faster. Or is just me...but I digress. I am here to share some bellas!
We have had some serious Bella-fever going on here and I want to share some cards I made. Orignally they were for the Bella-babe contest, but due to that erosion thing, they were modified to fit some challenges at one of my Yahoo groups and at Lifetime Moments. But the actual cards are for my very patient December Card of the Month partner (so sorry Dawn...its in the mail), booboobella for my swim instructor who is going to nursing school(aka that little girl who is trying to kill me, don't get me started...), and the superbella is for a very dear "invisible friend" who has been fighting cancer for some years. I chose superbella because she is a superwoman in my book. I love her and I pray for her and wish her all the very best and great big hugs and kisses (mwah, Linden!!)
So, I have been wondering if I am the only one who reads my blog (and Dianne, waving hi!!) and if it has anything to do with how fast the world is spinning and time before I digress again, stay tuned for Blog Candy tomorrow or honor of my first crop that I am hosting I am going to give away some fun stuff and I think if you have Bella fever, you might want to tune in.